SPHERE Webinars

At SPHERE, we strive to deliver high-profile webinars highlighting SPHERE's research relevant to critical health policy. We use these webinars as opportunities for SPHERE investigators to engage with clinicians and policymakers around new or emerging evidence.

Reproductive rights and service delivery in the current political context: lessons for Australia - February 2025

Prof Daniel Grossman (ANSIRH), The Hon Ged Kearney MP (Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health), Prof Danielle Mazza AM (SPHERE CRE), Prof Kirsten Black (University of Sydney), Ms Bonney Corbin (MSI Australia), Prof Deborah Bateson (The Daffodil Centre)


Contraceptive Technology NIH CCTN in the Unites States - February 2025

Dr Carolyn Westhoff (Columbia University)

Contraception Choices: Researchers’ reflections on a key UK contraception decision-making tool - September 2024

Associate Professor Julia Bailey (University College London)

What is Shaping Reproductive Health and Well Being in Britain? - 

Associate Professor Rebecca French (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

A reflection on the outcomes of the Senate inquiry into universal access to reproductive health care - 

Senator Larissa Waters (Senator for Queensland and Leader of the Greens in the Senate), Professor Danielle Mazza AM (Director of the SPHERE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence), Tegan Taylor (ABC Health and Science Reporter)

What can we learn from international approaches to abortion service delivery: Reflections of a Churchill Fellowship - October 2022

Professor Danielle Mazza AM (Director of the SPHERE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence)

Policy advances for women's sexual and reproductive health: Implications for Australia from Canadian approaches - March 2022

Professor Wendy Norman (University of British Columbia)